Custom Bus Shelters Promote Jet Blue

As part of their recent promotion, Jet Blue Airlines teamed up with JC Decaux to take over several bus shelters throughout Chicago, calling on Chicago Scenic to help construct sand murals in two of the shelters.

In order to avoid shifting of the contents due to vibrations from passing cars and buses, Chicago Scenic’s painters devised a ‘sand painting’ method that enabled the project to stay true to the client’s design – and turned out a stunning result.

Beginning with a wooden box that fits inside the acrylic showcase, Paints Department Head Les Woods sketched a beach towel, sunglasses, and a bottle onto each side of the box.

After laying sand out on a flat surface, Woods applied several different colors to sections of sand. Once dry, sheets of sand were broken back down into small particles and, using a funnel, Woods and his team released one color at a time onto a glue-like substance in each section of the design, thus creating a ‘sand art’ effect. These boxes then slid into the acrylic showcases and double-sided graphic panels were inserted into the middle of each.

Chicago Scenic Project Director Gary Heitz directed the project and Project Manager Alyce Iversen managed teams and production.

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