Coping with Covid-19
Dear Clients, Partners, and Friends —
Every day brings new updates and messages related to Covid-19, no doubt your inbox is as full as ours. And we bet you’re as busy as we are in managing the huge impact on your business and personal affairs. We hope that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.
Chicago Scenic is open and serving clients—though many of us are working from home. We are monitoring our production capacity closely.
Look for us to stay in touch with thoughts for meeting business challenges in the days and weeks ahead. For now, here are a few helpful tips you might have missed:
Stay Centered: Being calm is a challenge in such a stressful time, but it’s critical. What works now.
Get to Bed: This is tough for most of us in ordinary times. But a good night’s sleep is more critical now. Here are 10 tips for getting more rest.
Boost Immunity: We all need to keep our immune system strong because we’re going to need it more than ever. How to do it consistently.
Beware of Deliveries: The virus can spread in any number of ways—including from delivered packages. Learn to minimize the risk.
Don’t Fear Fido: We’re dog lovers at Chicago Scenic, but there’s a Covid-19 heads-up about petting others’ pooches. Learn more here.
Everyone has said it a million times: These are times like no other. Please stay in touch—and we promise to do the same.
Bob Doepel